Absolute Value

The value that is created from the start point onwards is called absolute value.

To understand absolute value, let us start with a question. 

The weather in Istanbul is twice as warm as it is in London.
If it is 0° C. in London, what is the weather in Istanbul ?

If we are to calculate this arithmetically: 0°C. 2 = 0° C.

Is there not a mistake here? Whilst Istanbul is meant to be warmer than London , the degrees are the same: 0°C

You can give several different answers, such as 2 °C,  -2°C, 1° C etc. however none of these are correct. .  It is unlikely that you can answer this question at this very moment because;

Heat is an absolute value concept such as length and the start point is not 0 ° C .

In other words;  twice the height of someone who is 1 metre is 2 metres but twice the value of 5° C is not 10°C .

How come?

The start point for the length is 0 m. The child has a 1m magnitude of length from the start point and the basketball player has a 2m value from the start point.

Heat as absolute value:

The start point has been accepted as zero by International Standards. Absolute zero
is the lowest heat, and this degree is 0K – Kelvin – so 273 degrees. It is impossible to
lower the heat more than this, as there is no heat left within an object. Absolute zero
is where the vibration of molecules is nearly stopped and there is no movement. Due
to the vibrations it is called zero energy point and energy cannot be separated from

Let’s turn back to the result of our problem;

Absolute value is formed by starting from the absolute minimum, for example, even if you owe someone or someone owes you $50. The transferred money, the value is $50.

When we talk about the distance between the two cities we are talking about the absolute value. We say that the distance between Istanbul and Ankara is "600 km" not "- 600 km". There
is no difference between measuring the distance from Ankara to Istanbul or Istanbul to Ankara. 
In conclusion, it is the value from the start point to the end point.

Absolute Value of Numbers

"The distance from a number from 0 is its absolute value. "

The absolute number is written between the symbols you see below.
     |    |

For example, the absolute value of 5 is written as such:   | 5 |

\( \displaystyle \mid 5\mid =5 \)

For example ;

 \( \displaystyle \mid -3\mid \)

\( \displaystyle \mid -3\mid =3 \)

\( \displaystyle \mid 6-2\mid =? \)

What does this mean and what is its value?

The value from 2 to 6 or 6 to 2 is 4 units.

 \( \displaystyle \mid 6-2\mid =4 \)

 \( \displaystyle \mid 2-6\mid =? \)

What does this mean and what is its value?

The value from 2 to 6 or 6 to 2 is 4 units. 

 \( \displaystyle \mid 2-6\mid = \mid 6-2\mid \)
 \( \displaystyle \mid -4\mid = \mid +4\mid \)
 \( \displaystyle \mid 4\mid = \mid 4\mid \)
